I am an absolute freak for Dr Pepper. I believe the classic flavor (or should I say 23 flavors) is perfect. It’s crispy and sweet and carbonated and simply iconic. I have zero notes.
Because of this, I’m always skeptical of new Dr Pepper flavors. How could you possibly improve upon a classic like Dr Pepper? And while I think nothing makes Dr Pepper better, some Dr Pepper flavors do taste good if you think of them as their own thing. We recently tried all the Dr Pepper flavors currently on the market, including this Strawberries & Cream variety, which hit stores in early February. Is this a sweet success or an unnecessary addition to the Dr Pepper multiverse? Let’s discuss.
Strawberries & Cream Dr Pepper (which was also released in a Zero Sugar version) is the newest flavor profile to join to the Dr Pepper family. The concept is interesting, but the execution is flawed. This soda doesn’t taste anything like normal Dr Pepper, so I don’t really see the point. It tastes like a very strong artificial strawberry soda.
If you’re a strawberry fan, check it out. It’s certainly not bad, especially if you love that fake, candy-esque taste or you just think the can is cute. But if you’re looking for something that tastes like Dr Pepper, leave this one on the shelf. Dr Pepper is still the superior flavor of Dr Pepper, end of story.
Jordan is an L.A.-based writer and comedian who believes all food should come with extra sauce. When they're not writing for Sporked, Jordan is at the movies or sharing an order of french fries with their elderly chihuahua.
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